Visit Nala's blog to see pics and video of her receiving her new DogPause bowl from me!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Good Dog Art: A Review
No, I'm not speaking about HM's paintings this time.
Good Dog Art showcases the beautiful work of Nancy Schutt. Her tag: every dog deserves good art! It's true! HM shares that sentiment with Nancy!
Nancy creates wonderful illustrative pieces that look like they've been pulled from a story book. An adventure just waiting to be told.
Nancy says of her subject matter...
"For an artist, dogs provide an endless supply of subject matter. They tell stories. They are beautiful, comical, intelligent, and worthy of admiration- worthy of a tribute. And they have no ego involvement in the end product.
I love dogs because they have a joyful countenance, they don't hold grudges, and are shameless about their tastes and preferences. If we don't interfere, they feel good about themselves all the time."
For an original painting, her prices start at $450. She also offers some of her work as Giclee prints on canvas. They start at $255, with 10% of all proceeds going towards these dog charities:
Pit Bull Rescue Central -
Dogs Deserve Better
Underdog Dog Rescue
Now buying original art is an investment, for those pups who aren't ready for that kind of committment, Nancy offers a variety of products in which to enjoy Good Dog Art!
Check out her Cafe Press store for posters, cards, shirts and more!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
UPDATE: on Stolen Toy Manchester Terriers
Hey every pup. Just received an update from Therese's friend:
The police think that the burglary was a cover and that the dogs were the target. A neighbor of Therese saw, the day of the break in, a white truck and a red car in her drive way. Therese found the instrument that was used to break into her home. It was in a garbage bag behind her shed.
As she is desperate to find her dogs, she even called a ''sight seer'' to know where she dogs are!
Let keep our eyes open!
She told me to tell you all a BIG thank you for all your help, that she don't know what see would had done without all your help!!
Reward offered for information leading to the safe return of these dogs
If you have ANY info, PLEASE contact:
Thérèse Szulik - St-Damien, Québec Canada
Tel: (450) 835-4699 Email:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Toy Manchesters Terriers STOLEN in Quebec!!! PLEASE CROSS-POST!!!
Therese Szulik had her home broken into and her 6 dogs STOLEN!! She lives in St.Damien, Quebec, Canada. PLEASE CROSS-POST!!!
Here are the dogs identifications:
STAR (MICROCHIP 95600000109561)
They are tattooed on their inner right thigh, and registered with the Canadian Kennel Club.
Reward offered for information leading to the safe return of these dogs
If you have ANY info, PLEASE contact:
Thérèse Szulik - St-Damien, Québec Canada
Tel: (450) 835-4699 Email: or
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Molly review's her human's Pawesome Book!
Hey pups, as you know, I told you about the pawesome book Salty Dogs, by Jean M. Fogle, (also known as Molly's human!)
Well, Molly is also on YouTube with her pawsonal review of Salty Dogs! I think this is the first time a dog has "voiced" their own review!
Check it out..and if you haven't gotten yourself a copy of Salty Dogs yet...shame's a wonderful photo book of dogs at the beach with great copy to go with it! You can get it here.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I'm on YouTube!
Hey pups!
Check me out! HM started uploading videos of me on YouTube!! Subscribe to my channel so you always get the latest videos of moi!
Here's a great one of me and Denali "enjoying" a brand new stuffie!! BOL!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Picture Your Dog in Times Square!
Lights, camera, Fido? At least that will be the case on Thursday, June 19, 2008 when Purina® Dog Chow® brand Dog Food showcases the photos of more than 9,000 unique dogs in the bright lights of New York’s Times Square. The Reuters/NASDAQ Digital Tower Billboards will be illuminated with pictures of pooches from across America, turning the world’s most famous intersection into a giant photo “dog park.”All dog lovers can view the photos on the digital tower by visiting beginning June 19 at 6:00 a.m. EDT until 2:00 a.m. EDT, Friday, June 20. Those who uploaded pictures of their cute canines will be notified via e-mail of their dog's larger-than-life close-up.
See all lucky pooches here.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Rain, Thunderboomies and Swimming Lessons!
Sorry for not posting sooner. HM has been really busy with work, side projects and her Pop Dog paintings!
What an eventful weekend! It's been awful downpour rain, with lightening and thunderboomies! (but I'm not scared!)
I went swimming today!! HM found a place downtown that gives indoor swimming lessons for dogs!! It's called Fit Dogs. They have a 6 ft. x 15 ft. saltwater pool for doggies and humans to practice swimming!!!I didn't really like it at first..and kept looking for a quick exit to escape...but HM really wants me to be comfortable in the water, as both pawrents like to swim..and go camping, and my fur-cousin Daisy has a pool in her for safety too.
I was getting more comfortable, the swim instructor was really nice and kept feeding me treats after I did a lap around the pool! Then our lesson was over. I'm going back next weekend *gulp* for another session. This time it will be just HM and me!!
Hope you all had good weekends!
[photo credit]
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pawesome Pup Award - Spencer!!
I'd like to blog about a pawesome I'd like to give an award to!! Spencer. He's a cool California Golden, with a chilled lifestyle and a love for tennis balls.
What makes him pawesome?? Well, he and his humans work with Golden Retreiver Rescue in their city, and have taken in some fosters to help find fur-ever homes for them. They now have two adorable puppies: Ben and Jerry. They are pretty sick, and need a lot of care to get them healthy and ready for their fur-ever homes..but Spencer is up to the task!Please take a moment to read their story, and visit Spencer's blog.
Paws up to you buddy!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Woofstock - Wrap-up
There were dark clouds and early rain and we were worried Woofstock would be a washout! BUT no rain for the rest of the day!! But IT WAS HOT!!
Since we weren't sure what the weather would be like..we went early to avoid any chance of rain..and after being there for a few hours...all the pups (Simba, Denali, and Starr) including our human moms were hot, tired and ready to leave the INSANE crowds. So I didn't stay for the Mr. Canine Canada competition. :o(

That's ok..we got some pawesome treats, met LOTS of dogs and had a good time!

We saw LOTS of Boston Terriers, Great Danes, Min Pins, Labs and Chihuahuas!!
Guess how many Manchesters I saw??!! 2!!! BOL and one was my pal Rocco!! His humans had a booth at Woofstock, selling their pawesome hand-sculpted coats and collars!! (Denali and I got a MODRuff collar today!! They are pawesome!!!!)

Check out some random pics from our busy day!

DogPause Bowl WINNER!!

Well, it was a bit of a bust as far as entries go..but there was a pup who was keen on the bowl and sent me her pics! (That is NOT the DogPause bowl in the photo!!)
The lovely Nala! So congrats to you!! You are the winner of a new DogPause bowl. I hope you enjoy many meals in it!! It's in the mail!
Please take a moment to visit her blog and congratulate her!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Woofstock this Weekend!!
For all the pups in Toronto or Southern Ontario/North East US and looking for something FUN to do this's WOOFSTOCK!!! It's the LARGEST dog festival in North America!! It's a truly pawesome event with vendors, sports, and thousands of dogs!! (you'd be amazed how well behaved all the pups are!!)
Giveaways, news bums to's a doggy dream! I'm headed down on Sunday, and will blog about it next week. I'm hoping to score some new loot, and see some friends!
DockDogs will be there with many of my doggy buddies competing! So good luck and JUMP BIG!
Also, wish me luck, I'm entering the Mr. Canine Canada competition on Sunday...I hope I've got a good shot!! What do you think??
Monday, June 2, 2008
HM is back and I got some great loot!!
So, I survived alone with wasn't so bad..he took me to the park, and we hung out and watched TV a lot. He even let me sleep in the bed with him in the mornings!
I was sooo happy when HM came home though!! What did I get?
A cool New York Loofa dog that looks like the statue of Liberty. That was from my pals Gibbon and Mia who my mom visited in NYC.
HM went to Trixie and Peanut in lower Manhattan and brought home a new Planet Dog toy, some FURBULOUS treats (sweet potato wrapped in bacon!!! WOWEE)
So it was a great trip for me! er...for her..BOL!
Next time though, I really want to go, so I can have some fun play time with Gibbon and Mia too!!