Friday, April 11, 2008

Fast n' Furry: Thursday Recap!

So HM left me at home today and I got to run with my Pooch Pals pack!! I missed them!

HM on the other hand has been a bit of a traitor!!

She went back to the show today AND ran with another dog!!

She smells like her...her being Shania the Sheltie! but HM felt great..this Sheltie is 10 yrs old and a Masters agility champ. So she knew what she was doing. Apparently there are going to be changes around here..I hear talk of tough love and more obedience structure....we'll see pups...we'll see...

Fast n' Furry: Wednesday Recap!

So today we carpooled two pups with us to the show. Wiley, a golden/border collie mix and Brie, a red border collie. They were nice dogs to ride with!

We get to the show and already the anxiety of my crate is beginning to surface.

But new help is here!! "Auntie Bev" who has champion obedience/agility/flyball dogs did some training with me today. She did some crate games with me, gave me treats for being quiet. (she even told me off for barking when HM left). But I listened..and got some more treats! HM was very happy about this! She knows she has to be tougher with Cesar Millan! BOL!

So I got to do a fun tunnel game called Chute Out where I ran through a series of tunnels in a zig zag pattern. The crowd even got a laugh, cause I went in one end and HM looked for me at the other..but I popped out the same end and snuck up behind her!! BOL! And I did Barrel racing again.

HM wasn't as stressed out and the day went well!

She's thinking of sending me to an "Auntie Bev" bootcamp!!

That ends my Fast n' Furry was a fun learning experience!

Fast n' Furry: Monday Recap!

My human gramma came out to see me today! She took some pictures of HM and I..but she's not too proficient with I have to wait until she develops them to post.

I did barrel racing again today and for our intro, I got to run through tunnels!!

Then more crating while HM helped set up courses between shows. HM was getting frustrated that I won't settle down and rest between shows like the other dogs...but it's all so new and exciting to me!! She has to learn to be more patient!