Sunday, July 15, 2007

Red Dog Diary: incredible journey...

I happened onto this amazing blog called the Red Dog Diary. It's the story of Raja, a Golden Retriever whose family is told he's developed cancer. They've documented his battle in a "dogumentary" that they hope will be released this fall to various film festivals.

New Features

I've implemented a few new features to the blog. Just check them out in the sidebar to the right.

Rate my Blog: where you do just as it asks...rate it from 1-10...10 being PAWESOME!
Weekly Poll: I ask a question you provide your answer! Easy!

Plus, don't forget, I love to hear from leave your comments at the end of my posts, or if you have a story you want added, just email me and let me know!

The Eco-Friendly Dog

With the Live Earth event behind us I thought I'd post some info on eco-friendly dog sites that provide various products and services for those pups trying to introduce small changes to encourage a big impact!

EarthDoggy provides both eco-friendly and chemical free products for dogs wanting to make a difference, and those that might have allergies.

Cyber Canine is a site that started as an information sharing service for finding earth friendly/non-allergenic dog products. They now have a united goal: proudly formulate manufacture, package and share their brand's (Mundo) organic, cruelty free and earth friendly dog products with the rest of the sensitive dogs out there. Mundo Botanica, always handcrafted, honest and always earth friendly.

Natural Pet Market boasts lots of choice for natural dog food (none affected by the recall) and various pet products like shampoos, homeopathies and vitamins.

For more companies that provide alternatives check out the extensive list at Happy Hippie!

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