Monday, September 1, 2008

Labour Day at the Beach!

What a great way to spend the long weekend Monday! Denali, Starr and I had our humans take us to the beach today!!

We spent the afternoon frolicking and sniffing LOTS of dogs and dipping our toes in the water too!

Hope you all had a safe a happy Labour Day weekend!!

Dog Park Redemption!

So....HM was in a good mood...she took me BACK to Trinity Bellwoods off leash dog park! She felt she wanted to see if I could redeem myself, and have a good experience, and also to work on our recalls from a play group.

We went early in the morning, thinking there might be a smaller amount of dogs, and an easier time to do some training in the park with the distractions.

She was VERY happy with me! When I was playing or running with another pup, and she called me (or whistled or used my squeaky Wubba) to get my attention, I came back and got a nice treat or tug of the Wubba for it! We didn't stay long, as she wanted to leave on a good note, before it got too busy. But all the dogs were really that helped me be good too! I romped with a couple of Chocolate Labs, a Doberman, a Husky (who was a little HM made me keep my distance from her) and some cool "all-Canadian" mixes.

Yay! I love the dog park and socializing, so I know we'll be back!