Forty-five million strong, the “Pet Boomer” generation (cats and dogs age seven and older) are experiencing many of the same health problems as their “Human Boomer” counterparts. Yet, most pet owners fail to notice these signs, therefore missing the opportunity to pro-actively manage their pets’ health to extend their four-legged friends' lives by years.
Here are a few resources for you to use to learn about the Pet Boomer population:
Check out The Merial/Merch Manual for Pet Health: This manual, authored by 200 veterinarians, is the first comprehensive guide to health care of all pets, especially the Pet Boomer This new Web site is a resource for all pet owners. It offers quizzes, facts, statistics on the aging pet population and is a terrific resource for pet owners dealing with traveling with a pet, pet poisons and emergencies.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Are you a Pet Boomer?
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Which Celebrity is Your Pet??
BOL! I took this quiz on Dogster today, this was my result!
Will Smith: Leading Man
A fresh prince in the pursuit of happiness, Simba is megastar Will Smith!
Putting the jazz back in jazzy, Simba is always moving and grooving to the beat of his own internal drum. Not one to settle for second best, Simba only takes on projects that are sure to draw attention and improve his pawpularity in the pack. Simba's broad appeal across breed, age and gender lines means that his actions often lead to his being named best in show. Smooth, suave and debonair... he's the perfect pet to take home to Mommy. Not lacking in the looks department, Simba‘s toothy grin would send even the most furrocious group of alien invaders spinning helplessly back into space.
What celebrity are you??
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!
Sorry I haven't been posting..we've had summer-like weather here and I've been out enjoying myself every day!!
Hope you all enjoy the week, and have a great Earth Day! Try to lesson your pawprint on the eco-system!
Here are some tips from around the web:
Canadian Living
Earth Paw
Thursday, April 17, 2008
UPDATE: Missing Min Pin FOUND!! in Austin, Texas
I'm sorry I wasn't able to post a bulletin til now...I was away for work for 2 days and my stupid internet connection on my cell doesn't allow bulletins to be posted!!!! Here is the story....
Steeler was found by a security guard that works at an INM plant that is behind the woods.
He and the girls in the office there have been trying to catch Steeler since Monday, but he was too fast! So he baited a trap with some food and caught 'em!!!
A friend of a friend is a vet tech and went to get him last night, he was feisty, barking and trying to bite...but she gave him food and a warm place to sleep and he has calmed down. The vet saw him today and gave him a clean bill of health.
He was pooping a little blood, but he had apparently eaten a bird from the bones he was passing and some ants too! Wait til I get to squeeze him again!!
Robb is flying out today or tomorrow to get him and bring him home!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for being so wonderful and kind to us during this awfyl time! You are some amazing people!!!
Steeler's Mommy and Daddy, Lee-Ann and Robb
If you have any info...please send to contact below (poster is a link to myspace page):

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Funny MTV Videos with Mariah Carey and her JRT JJ!
Oh the life of this little Jack Russell!! These are really funny!
Monday, April 14, 2008
I Tracked Today!!
Whoooo!! So much fun!
HM and I started Tracking lessons today!! It was pretty cool, our instructor Marie is really nice, and very knowledgeable.
We start simple, and I only did a straight line track at about 30 metres in length. I have to build some drive for my article, which is what is laid at the end of the track...usually a leather glove.
I did three tracks tonight, and Marie was impressed how quickly I caught on from the first track to the third!
Tracking is a fun way to get out with your owner and use what comes naturally...Our Noses!!
Artist not so cruel?
So I got sent an email with a link to another blog about the story I posted last fall about the artist who used a starving street dog in an installation.
This blogger dug a little deeper and found out that perhaps we all jumped the gun on our emotions and didn't look into the real story behind the exhibit.
If it's true, I never mean to use this blog to "slander" anyone, as I've been accused. This is a personal blog mostly to be fun and amusing...with tidbits of dog news that I think might be interesting.
Anyway, check out this site for more info..hopefully it's true, and the dog was indeed fed and not mistreated and escaped in the end.
I think in the artist should have provided that kind of information (about how the dog would be treated when not on display), realizing the dog-loving public would jump all over it..which in the end gave him crazy publicity, which is what most artists want anyway.
Here is a post from a Facebook group that was also petitioning to stop the exhibit. I think what the creator of the group wrote sums up what we all feel:
"I truly hope that the dog did not die in the name of art or whatever cause. However I would also like to thank all the group members who signed the petition and forwarded this group to bring awareness to this issue.
I would like to remind all, that we did not petition for nothing. Stunt or not, we have served the objective of this group: prevent animal cruelty through spreading awareness and protest.
The bottom line for myself is, exploiting an animal who is already sick and weak is still wrongful. Through this petitioning process, not only did we put pressure on govts, groups and media to investigate the issue, but we also erected a strong warning against any future acts of animal cruelty. I urge everyone to keep that spirit! Animals, as a vulnerable group will always face the risk of being exploited. We have the ability to prevent, preempt and stop future sufferings and therefore, we must continue this fight."
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I was a Big Bro-fur today!
So today we puppy-sat for a lady in our building. She has a little Min Pin puppy named Roman. He's 6 months old and he may even become my "fur-real" bro-fur! He needs to be re-homed as new job opportunity is keeping his humans away from home longer hours now!
So today, we puppy-sat to see how I'd get along, and see if HM could handle another little furry butt in the house!
Well, we had fun..he's got some manners to learn, kept trying to hump me..but I gave him some good wrestling maneuvers and he leaned his place.He is a smart little guy..wasn't interested in toys at all, but by the end of the day, we were playing tug with my Wubba and Loofa Dog (which he proudly ripped open and tried to de-stuff!).
Even HD took a shining to him....they're going to discuss the options and see if we can take on a new puppy..but I liked him and would be fine with it!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Fast n' Furry: Thursday Recap!
So HM left me at home today and I got to run with my Pooch Pals pack!! I missed them!
HM on the other hand has been a bit of a traitor!!
She went back to the show today AND ran with another dog!!
She smells like her...her being Shania the Sheltie! but HM felt great..this Sheltie is 10 yrs old and a Masters agility champ. So she knew what she was doing. Apparently there are going to be changes around here..I hear talk of tough love and more obedience structure....we'll see pups...we'll see...
Fast n' Furry: Wednesday Recap!
So today we carpooled two pups with us to the show. Wiley, a golden/border collie mix and Brie, a red border collie. They were nice dogs to ride with!
We get to the show and already the anxiety of my crate is beginning to surface.
But new help is here!! "Auntie Bev" who has champion obedience/agility/flyball dogs did some training with me today. She did some crate games with me, gave me treats for being quiet. (she even told me off for barking when HM left). But I listened..and got some more treats! HM was very happy about this! She knows she has to be tougher with Cesar Millan! BOL!
So I got to do a fun tunnel game called Chute Out where I ran through a series of tunnels in a zig zag pattern. The crowd even got a laugh, cause I went in one end and HM looked for me at the other..but I popped out the same end and snuck up behind her!! BOL! And I did Barrel racing again.
HM wasn't as stressed out and the day went well!
She's thinking of sending me to an "Auntie Bev" bootcamp!!
That ends my Fast n' Furry was a fun learning experience!
Fast n' Furry: Monday Recap!
My human gramma came out to see me today! She took some pictures of HM and I..but she's not too proficient with I have to wait until she develops them to post.
I did barrel racing again today and for our intro, I got to run through tunnels!!
Then more crating while HM helped set up courses between shows. HM was getting frustrated that I won't settle down and rest between shows like the other dogs...but it's all so new and exciting to me!! She has to learn to be more patient!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Fast n' Furry: Saturday Recap!
The excitement was almost too much to bare. Arrival to the event, quick sniff of some other dogs and HM sets up the dreaded crate area.
We were only scheduled for the rapid tug intro at the start of the show. It happened so fast that I didn't even notice the crowd.
The more experienced dogs started going through their agilty/flyball game routines. I got sent to my crate. :o(
Although HM is working on this with me...I'm still not comfortable being left in it in strange places. So I barked the whole time.
When the show was over I got to run through the performance area again in the exit line with the other dogs. Then we had kids come in the ring to meet and greet us!! I even gave a little girl my "pawtograph"!!
HM was VERY proud of me! I let little kids come and pet me, and HM answered questions about me!
I did the rapid tug intro again which went well. Then I got to do a little solo of the obedience and tricks I know while the next session of agility got set up.
The meet and greet is really cool! I gave out my "pawtograph" to a lot of kids this time!
HM is still trying to crate me in between shows...but I'm not doing well with that at all. I'm a work in progress.
My time to shine...I was doing barrels in my last show...and guess what? I was so tired that I forgot what I was doing and just kept looking at HM!! Jeez...but I did ok! I'm one TIRED pooch!!
Top it all off..HM and I took the subway home! That was fun. I got to sit in her lap the whole way home!
Day 1 was long and I'm off to bed now!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Fast n' Furry debuts this weekend!
The big show is here! April 4-13 the Fast n' Furry team will be performing at the Toronto Home Show!
I'm a junior member, and will be performing in a few games all week! I can't wait!!
I'll blog about my performances, and hopefully will be able to get some pics up by the end of next week!!
Fast n’ Furry - Man’s Best Friend and Family Favorite
You will be left panting when you see the amazing Fast n’ Furry showcase. This show is a continuous line up of fantastic dogs showing off their talent by performing flips, spins, and speed and comedy antics! You will see a variety of fast agility, Frisbee freestyle, and the ever-popular action packed team race called “Flyball”. Head to the Doggy Lounge after the show and shake paws with the stars!
Feel free to join us for Pawtographs and after show conversation, come meet and greet the stars and pet them with praise for their fantastic performances. This is also a great opportunity to speak with our Canine Crazy Team and find out how you can get started in building a Fun Rewarding Relationship with your canine Family member.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Fun Manchester Videos
I really like this video. These pups have a great looking backyard!
If you ever wondered what it was like to play with a Mannie, this is a great example. Even when one looks like it wants a break...the other is pester and bug!! Tee hee! Typical terrier!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A Merryvaluation of Pop Dog Portraits!
Hey pups, just a quick brag for HM...her portraits have been reviewed at the Pampered Puppy website!! She is just sooo excited!! She painted a portrait of the owners wonderful princess pug, Merry. Click HERE to read the review!