So now that I'm getting into dog sports, HM realized she didn't want to drag my huge wire crate around all the time, so she's found me a great alternative. The fold up travel crate!
It's great, she says it folds up in a snap, is light to carry, and best of all....I actually like it! ;o) Don't I look cute?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Great Crate!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Goose Poop Buffet is Officially Open!
Spring has sprung pups!! Know how I know??
The arrival of the Canada Goose! Back home from its winter down south. The grass is starting to peek out from the melting snow, and the geese are now making their home in any open field!!
Mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm...wherever a goose has gone....great goose poop has been left behind!
This is the WORST time of year for HM to walk me. Nose to the ground, feverishly picking up the scent, she's trying to keep me on the sidewalk so I don't go grazing.
I ask you...what little pleasures nature leaves us...why can't we partake in them?
[photo credit]
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
Well today pups, I celebrate my SECOND Birthday! So Happy Birthday to me! BOL! As you know I got a cool new bed, and I'm sure HM will be coming home with some yummy treats after work for me!
I get to go romp at the dog park today as it's my usual day with my dog walker Trish. What a pawfect birthday!
For a little history on me and where I came from, check out my breeders website for pics of my doggie pawrents, Jazzy & D'Artagnon (and some puppy pics of me!).
Here's a snapshot of my life in the last two years:
Friday, March 21, 2008
New Bed!
WOW! Can't believe it's been so long since my last post! Not much happening here...practicing some stuff I learned at the FNF practice, romping at the park with my pup pals, looking cute, hehe...the usual! ;o)
Soooooo...this coming Monday is a very special day...."somepuppy" will be turning 2!
I've alrady got my pressie early too! Special thanks to Janice Thompson from PB&J Designs...HM order me my very own donut bed!
I LOVE IT!! I curl up every night while they watch tv. It's so cozy and soft! Janice custom make each bed with whatever kind of pattern/colour you like!! HM decided on basic black, as it goes with everything! Including me!! BOL!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fast n' Furry!
Hellllllo pups! Hope you all had as pawesome a weekend as I did!!
I've been given a great opportunity to tryout for a dog sport performance demo team! It's called Fast n' Furry. They will perform cool agility and flyball races at various sport shows and festivals around the city.
Today was the first practice/tryout.
I'm very green compared to most of the dogs there today, but I got lots of great training and turns at all the games set up.
I LOVE going through tunnels!! I learned a cool sequence to go over 4 flyball jumps into a curved tunnel.
There was a super cute 12 week old Border Collie pup that was sooooo smart! We did a series of barrels to run around, and this little puppy had the moves down!! I've got LOTS of practicing to do! BOL!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mmmm...Latte and a Cookie
If you like home-baked goodness (and who doesn't!) check out Latte's blog for some YUMMY recipes!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My Human's a Labrador!!
She took this cute quiz on Dogster to find out what dog breed she would be. BOL! A Labrador!! Sounds a lot like her though:
Labrador Retriever: The Caretaker
Your family is what makes you tick, and you never "flea" from an opportunity to hang out with the whole gang. A family picnic complete with hot dogs, deviled eggs and a refreshing swim in the lake is hard for you to stray from. Your sparky temperament and dogged intelligence mean you are not only a blast to hang out with, but great to work with as well. Your close pals appreciate your patience and forgiveness, knowing you'd rather let sleeping dogs lie than dwell on the mishaps of the past. Your dashing good looks may one day lead to a modeling career, if only you can tame the unfortunate clumsiness that sometimes causes you to go flailing from the catwalk.
Click on the photo to have your human take the quiz. I'd love to hear what your humans are..and if they are a similar breed to you!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Swiss Mannie's in the Snow
Found this cute video on YouTube. Three MTs in the snow in Switzerland. This is kind of what it was like for me after our blizzard this past Saturday.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
FINALLY! New Camera!
So there may be a blizzard out there but I sent my humans out to get a new camera anyway! BOL! They came back with a Panasonic Lumix. It works great, as HM decided while I was napping to start snapping away! Guess I asked for it. :o/
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Manchester Moment: Fun with Photoshop!
So HM had me out in the back field on the weekend with a disposable camera (good news...they are shopping for a new one this weekend!!), and took some shots of me in the snow.
She then got them developed, put on CD and decided to have some fun with them! Since the shots were all on snow the backgrounds looked totally white. So HM created some composites of my photos to make it look like there were clones of me!! BOL!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
101 Dalmations: First Time on DVD this Decade!!!
The classic movie that probably made all your humans want to have a dog of their own! (and leave a soft spot for a Dalmation!)
Disney is re-releasing 101 Dalmations for a limited time! A special 2-disc DVD, digitally enhanced with new bonus features!
I'm sending HM out to get one today! She LOVES Disney movies, and this is among her top 5!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Buckle Up for Safety!!
A new campaign is hitting the streets, and has car companies like Volvo going to the dogs!
BarkBuckleUP campaign educates pet parents on how to put on and take off safety pet belts and the importance of securing their pet safely for travel.
BarkBuckleUP will educate nationally (in the US), for people to USE a pet safety belt every time, day & night, 24/7, coast to coast, Safety Belts Save Lives and Money.Volvo, the car brand best known for safety has teamed up with BarkBuckleUp to promote the safe transportation of pets in vehicles. At the Chicago Auto Show, the partnership was promoted with, of course, canine companions.
There are a number of ways to secure your pet in the car, including harnesses that can attach to the seatbelt or integrated cages available on some vehicles.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Agility Withdrawl
*sigh*. Today is the day I usually have agility class. But we're on a 2 week hiatus.