Monday, March 3, 2008

Buckle Up for Safety!!

A new campaign is hitting the streets, and has car companies like Volvo going to the dogs!

BarkBuckleUP campaign educates pet parents on how to put on and take off safety pet belts and the importance of securing their pet safely for travel.

BarkBuckleUP will educate nationally (in the US), for people to USE a pet safety belt every time, day & night, 24/7, coast to coast, Safety Belts Save Lives and Money.

Volvo, the car brand best known for safety has teamed up with BarkBuckleUp to promote the safe transportation of pets in vehicles. At the Chicago Auto Show, the partnership was promoted with, of course, canine companions.

There are a number of ways to secure your pet in the car, including harnesses that can attach to the seatbelt or integrated cages available on some vehicles.

So buckle up pups!!



Simba and Jazzi said...

Mummy only has two seats in her car, one for her and one for me. I do have a car seat to keep me safe.

Simba x

Lenny said...

I have a seat belt. I really hate it. Sigh.

Your friend, Lenny

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I always wear a seatbelt thing. It's boring but J1 insists. J x

Spencer said...

Great advice Simba!
