It's been awhile since I posted some random photos of myself. Since HM STILL hasn't gotten a new camera, I'm dipping into the archives..cause just like you a blog with photos is just more fun! Enjoy!
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Daily Simba
New Puggle on The Hills
Not sure how many of your humans enjoy reality TV..but HM LOVES shows on MTV. One of her favs? The Hills. So for her, and any Hills fans out there...Lauren Conrad now has a new puppy. A very cute Puggle. Check out the pics HERE!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Virtual Dog Show: Do You Have the Stuff??
Ever wonder how you would stack up against the dogs at Westminster or Crufts?? Well, now is your chance to find out!!
Canine Review is creating Canada’s first online “virtual dog show,” people from across the country an opportunity to beat the winter blues, win fantastic prizes and support a worthy canine cause – all while enjoying the sport you love from the comfort of your living room.
The Virtual Dog Show will use Internet technology to allow dogs from across Canada and around the world to compete in an online environment. Real, licensed judges will evaluate submitted photos against Canadian Kennel Club standards of perfection. Winners will be chosen at the breed, group and Best In Show levels.
Best of all? A portion of all proceeds will benefit the Dog Legislation Council of Canada’s fight against Breed Specific Legislation.
Entries open February 25th and end March 7th
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Strange Happenings...
Sorry pups...haven't been up to my normal blogging self lately. HM is extremely busy and hogging the computer AND I had a weird experience yesterday and have not been up to snuff (or is that sniff? BOL!)
HM took me to a new groomer yesterday and basically since I came back it's like I lost my mojo. I'm a bit mopey and my tail kinda hovers between my legs or sticks straight down..HM thinks it's a sign of lack of confidence. You know how it is being thrust into a new environment...AND she gave me a bath and clipped my nails!!!
Anyway, I have agility this morning and we all know the healing powers it wields!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Paw It Forward!
Hey pups, nothing really exciting to blog about this week. It's still cold out.
Here are some blogs I really enjoying sniffing around! Have a visit, and tell them Simba sent you! Arooooo!
Simba's World! How can you not love a pup with such a great name! ;o)
Frasier's Doggy Blog. A great blog complete with sarcasm and attitude only a JRT could give!
Lastly, for those who like agility, or seeing cool dog a visit to Sassie Joiris' blog. She's a professional animal trainer and posts LOTS of video of her pups doing agility and learning new tricks. Check out some of Boing the Whippet learning to do a handstand!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Feeling much better! Agility heals! BOL!
BOL! So I felt MUCH better yesterday! I went to agility and had lots of fun! HM is off work's a brand new holiday in Ontario...Family Day! So I get more snuggle time today!
Well, HM decided to set up a little jump/tunnel sequence in our living room today. Here's some video of me! Enjoy! (sorry..I came so fast, and HM was videoing you can't really see me over the small jump...)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I'm a little sick.
Last night HM went out to a friends, and I was home with HD.
I slept most of the evening while he played video games...but then he called HM to tell her I threw up. It was like I didn't digest my dinner...even though it was like 4.5 hours later!
She came home and I seemed fine...I was super excited to see her back! ;o)
But this morning, on our walk I threw up again!! This time..just bile from my empty stomach..
I just I hopefully it was just an anomaly....but you know humans...they worry.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Back to School!
Well pups, I'm back to school tonight! HM and I are doing a one night workshop called Total Recall.
Basically it will give HM new tools to help ensure a reliable recall every time I'm called when off leash. But what I say is if my pup pals at the park or the sweet smells they leave behind are more interesting...why can't she just wait until I'm done? Humans are so impatient sometimes! :o)
Here's the class description:
Are you tired of chasing after your dog, or simply waiting while he slowly looks up, sniffs and finally ambles over to you after he has been called? Would you like a red-hot recall? This workshop will give you the knowledge to confidently teach your dog to come back each and every time you call him. The theory behind the perfect recall will be discussed, along with exercises and games to help keep things fun and interesting for both you and your dog.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Dog Tracks Soldier 70 miles in Iraqi Desert
Check out this heart warming story about a dog, beaten and abused in Iraq, who tracked the soldier who had befriended him 70 miles across the Iraqi desert.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Watch It: Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
Today and tomorrow, the annual show of shows for dogs, Westminster, will be happening in New York's Madison Square Gardens in the US. Check your local listings, but in the States you can catch it on USA and CNBC and in Canada on OLN (Outdoor Life Network).
Keep checking the site daily for Breed Judging videos.
Monday's judging includes: Terrier, Hound, Non-Sporting and Herding breeds
Tuesday's judging includes: Sporting, Working, Toy and the crowning of Best in Show!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Today I Met....
2 Border Collies (one was a puppy...HM wanted to take her home!)
1 German Shepherd
2 Yellow Labs
1 Irish Wolfhound (whoa! he was BIG)
A couple of mixed breeds
and 4 fluffy little dogs...
Where? HM took me to Greenwood today, and I got to meet all these cool pups along the trails! What a great day!
For those who asked...Greenwood Conservation Area is located in Ajax, Ontario, Canada, where I live, and it is about a 15-20 minute drive from my home. I'm a lucky pup that I have a huge conservation area where pups can go off leash..there are trails, creek area where we swim in the summer, and a huge area called "the pit" where all the dogs go to hang out.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Snow Day!!
We got lots of new snow again today, so HM got to stay home today!

Here I am trying to run in the deep snow!
Something to Shoot For!
Got a great link today to the 2007 German Agility champ...a MANCHESTER TERRIER!!! Aroooo!
Here's to Chilly Black Bandits and his owner/handler Stephanie Tiemann!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Canine Critique
Hey pups,
Just wanted to tell you all about a great new blog! My pal Gunner has started The Canine Critique. It's all about product reviews for pups! He (and some of his pals) offer up some great reviews to all dog-related products, books and food!
Paws up to Gunner - The Canine Critique!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Happy Carnival!!
Krewe of Barkus 2008 |
Well, it's Carnival season! You know pups love a parade as much as humans! Here's a video from the New Orleans Barkus Parade! It looked like a great day to be a dog! Arooooo!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Paw it Forward!
I've met some great blogging dogs and every now and then I'll feature Paw it Forward and share links to some of my favourite dog blogs!
Spencer (Stars in a pawesome new movie!)
River (always has great photos of his adventures!)
The Notorious F.I.G (wonderful Boston Terrier who shares her life with her nemesis/fur brother Tadpole)
Hope you enjoy their blogs as much as I do!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Valentine Chihuahua - Born with Heart-shaped Pattern
A puppy has been born in Japan with a large, clear, love-heart-shaped pattern in his coat. The chihuahua was born in May as one of a litter to a breeder.
Owner Emiko Sakurada said it was the first time a puppy with the marks had been born out of those she had bred.
She had no plans to sell the puppy, which has been named "Heart-kun".
Friday, February 1, 2008
February is National Canine Weight Check Month!
Overweight dogs can face serious medical problems, including heart disease, arthritis, skin conditions and breathing issues , and the National Canine Weight Check is trying to prevent that.
The National Canine Weight Check is an effort to raise awareness about the health complications that may be faced by overweight dogs and help owners determine if their dogs are at risk.
Throughout the month of February, the NCWC is encouraging owners to get a free weight check for their dogs at a participating vet’s office. The event is supported by the American Kennel Club Humane Fund and by thousands of veterinarians across the country, through a sponsorship by Pfizer Animal Health.
You can find out more information about the program, including a list of participating vets across America, at
You can also take the BARC (Body Assesment Rating for Canines) quiz, an easy tool to help identify if you are a prime candidate for a weight check.
I took the quiz, and got this response: There is a low risk that your dog is overweight or obese. You may want to take this survey every few months, especially if you see changes in your dogs weight.
So lets get healthy pups!