This weekend it will be just me and HD!! HM is headed off to New York City for 3 days to visit her sister and some friends.Boys weekend! Take-out, leaving the seat up, drinking straight from the carton! Yeah!!
Hey wait a minute...
Who take me to the dog park? HM.
Who buys me special treats for training? HM.
Who lets me snuggle under the covers with her? HM.
Waaaahhh...I wanna go to NYC!!!
Oh...hold it..HM promises to go to the chic Manhattan dog stores and buy me something special!! Whooo-hooo!!
So until then, HD doesn't do the blog thing..so there'll be no new posts until HM gets back from her trip to type for me.
Have a good weekend pups!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Boys Weekend!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Paw It Forward!
Some more great dog blogs I love to sniff!!
Check out fellow Manchesters Packet and Jericho's adventures here: http://practicalpaws.blogspot.com/
Ladybug shows us some Whippet love: http://beingladybug.blogspot.com/
For some fun shots of dogs at the park...check out Dog Park Days: http://www.dogparkdays.blogspot.com/
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
WIN a DogPause Bowl!!
Don't forget pups..only a few days left to enter the contest to WIN a DogPause bowl!!
Click here for contest rules.
Milk-Bone Celebrates 100th Birthday!!
Milk-Bone celebrated its 100th Anniversary in Times Square yesterday. Ivanka Trump and Cristian de la Fuente of Dancing With The Stars were on hand to help celebrate with their loveable pooches.
Happy Birthday Milk-Bone!! I'll be sure to savor my cookies a bit more tonight!Actor Cristian de la Fuente, left, of TV's "Dancing with the Stars," Ivanka Trump, right, with her dog Tiger, helped celebrate Milk-Bone's 100th Anniversary, Wednesday, May 21, 2008.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Dog Eared Book Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain
HM's review:
What can I say? This book was FANTASTIC!!
Heart warming, heart wrenching, tragic and triumphant! It keeps you rooting for Enzo and his human Denny as they go through trials and tribulations in their life. Sweet Enzo, who believes he'll be reincarnated as a man, is steady preparing himself, watching his human closely, taking in all aspects of his life so he too can be a good man.
We watch through Enzo's eyes Denny's life, testing him, as a race car driver, husband and father through the trying times that test his mettle. Enzo watching, wanting to help, but feeling trapped in his dog body that lacks human communication. But he finds a way to comfort, listen and be a source of strength for his humans when needed.
Metaphors on driving as they relate to life flood the pages and fill you with emotion as the story unravels. It inevitably makes you think of your own dog and what fills their mind as you go through your daily grind. What would they share with you?
I highly recommend this book to add to your collection. Garth Stein writes so fluidly and creates characters worth remembering.
To find out where you can get a copy, visit the Go Enzo website.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Product Review: The DogPause Bowl (You can WIN one!)
Ever find yourself wolfing down your meal? Do you feel sick or get an upset tummy or ever gag a bit after? Well, we were sent a pawesome new food bowl that can help!The DogPause bowl is set up into four small sections that break up the food and force the dog to take his/her time going from section to section to eat it's meal.
From their website:
The DogPause dog bowl works to slow down the pace of eating and aid with portion control in the following ways:Check me out, testing the DogPause bowl.
- Divides the bowl into 4 feeding zones
- Each feeding zone is 1/2 cup in capacity and designed to "block" the dog from putting his full snout into the bowl; this slows down eating pace as your dog needs to use his tongue for each bite
- After your dog finishes each zone, he must re-position himself for the next zone
- The bowl is designed to slide a little on the floor, further slowing down the dog as he needs to re-position for each bite
WIN a DogPause Bowl!!
I've got a BLUE DogPause bowl to give away!! That's right! If YOU would like to win yourself a DogPause bowl send me an email with the words DogPause Bowl Contest in the subject line.
Send a cute or funny photo of yourself eating (whether dinner or your favourite snack) and I'll post the top photos here for pups to vote on!
The contest will run until May 24, 2008...so get those pics in!!
Here's a great side by side comparison of the DogPause bowl vs. a traditional bowl:
For more information (including Vet View, FAQs and more!) on the DogPause bowl and how you can get your paws on one check out their website for more!

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday Morning Hike
Well, HM's been sick with a bad cold and has been affected by her seasonal allergies for the last 2 days. So I've spent my time relaxing at home, and going to the park with HD! Which is a nice change, cause he works a lot, and doesn't get to take me to the park often.
But this morning, HM was up early and feeling better...so she decided to take me for a wee spring hike! Yay! I love hiking! I get to go off-leash and take in all the great smells!
We went to Duffin's Creek, which is about a 5 minute drive from our place. It's a little conservation wetlands area that has some walking/hiking trails. This place is smack dab in the middle of housing sub-divisions, which it kind of neat.
Anyway, here's some video of our morning. We ran into another dog in the first video, that's why I start barking..then he goes down another trail and we continue.
Happy Sunday!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Dog Eared Book Club: The Art of Racing in the Rain - PREVIEW
HM got a great new book today, called The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. The story of Enzo, a lab mix who is recounting his days spent with his human Denny, the life they've shared, and the readiness for him to move on to the next life...
She's begun reading it, and is already loving the story. Told from the unique perspective of Enzo, and how he hopes to shape some decisions in Denny's life.
Check out the video trailer:
Full book review to come soon! Stay tuned!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bark the Vote!
Schmitty, the Real New Yorkie is launching his campaign for us pups to Bark the Vote! He's looking to encourage our humans to get out there, no matter who you vote for..but to just exercise your right to vote! Go get 'em Schmitty!!
We dig his platform! Plus he has a great link to a site that helps dogs in need! Check out his site and upload your pic to become a patriotic pooch!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Daily Awwwwww!
Although I'm not personally a cat fan...HM INSISTS I post this for her... I don't see what all the fuss is about. :o/ Dogs are way cuter!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
JRT All-Breed Fun Day
What a day!! The weather was AMAZING!! Soooo summery and warm! OMD! The place was packed with Jacks! BOL!
We got there first thing in the morning, and up first...Terrier Racing! WOW, it was very cool to see the little Jacks that love this sport go at it!!I got to borrow a muzzle (which is required for all racing for safety), and HM just popped me in the little box (which I didn't like) and off we went! Er, well, that's what supposed to happen...
I didn't really have time to do a training run, so it was a crash course on racing for me! They opened the gates and off the dogs went..I ran out too, but then just looked around at everyone! BOL! I figured out to run to the other end and finally made it down. I ran four times today, and each time was better, I realized I was racing to chase the lure against the other dogs, but I didn't like the muzzle on me so while I was running down the lane, I would stop to rub the muzzle and try to get it off.
There's no video of me, cause HM had to run to the end to cheer me on to run, and she couldn't do both.
Up next was a quick run through of some AGILITY equipment! They were having offical run throughs of the course in the afternoon, so the morning was just to familiarize yourself/practice with the equipment.HM was so proud, she did a slow run with me on FULL SIZE contact equipment! I did the Teeter, TWICE all by myself for the first time!! I went on the dogwalk, attempted the A-Frame, but wasn't too sure about it.
Up next was something called Barn Hunt. They had a bunch of bails of hay in the barn, with tubes squished in between them. In one of the tubes was a LIVE rat!! So our task was to find the rat! YAY!! Cause that's what I was bred for, HM thought I'd be a natural! Guess what??!! I was! BOL! I sniffed around the barn, and went to directly to the tube with the rat!!Such an eventful morning! My best buds, Denali and Starr showed up with their human and we had a nice lunch break "tail-gaiting" in the parking area. We sun bathed, wrestled, met some nice Jacks.
The afternoon session had more agility, where we had to sign up to do what they call a Jumpers course. No contact equipment, just jumps, tunnels (and weaves for the more advanced dogs!) So, I got to do a real fun match! The pressure! I was so tired from all the mornings activities. Check out the video...of HM trying to handle the course, and me fumbling through it! BOL! Brandi, we NEED more lessons STAT!!
After my run, HM knew I was done for the day..so we went up to check out the other activities and watch some pups have a good time!This is a shot of the advanced "Go-to-ground" tunnel (dogs go through the tunnel maze to find their quarry...either a live rodent or a scented toy version).
We all ended our day watching the Lure Coursing event. Denali did the course, and ROCKED it!! Then we watched my buddy Forrest Gump..here's his shot of him waiting his turn, in the water bucket! (he's a Dock Dog!) BOL!
I'm completely pooped, so I'm off for a good long nap! Bark at ya later pups! Enjoy your weekend!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Terrier FUN Day Tomorrow!!
I'm going to a Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada all-breed FUN Day tomorrow!! They're going to have Terrier Races, Lure Coursing and of course AGILITY!
I can't wait to try the terrier racing!! Here's an example of what it looks like!
This is a picture of Flea, a Seattle area Mannie, who competes in racing.
[photo credit]
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Inspirational Video! - UPDATE
For those of you who watched the video of Lis and her Crested in their final agility run, I am sorry to share that she passed away on Tues eve.
The video of her final run showed us all how precious life is and how the simple joy of running a course with your dog can impact not just hundreds, but thousands of people.
Get your kleenex box out...HM is in tears over here....
Lisa & Diva's ADCH Run. It is with great emotion that I made this video to celebrate a great team and an outstanding competitor. It is for Lis' friends, who I know are going to deseperately miss seeing this team out on the agility field together. I have trained with; traveled with; argued with; cried with; laughed with; and learned from Lis' since the day I started in agility. Now I will go on to begin again with a new pup and hopefully I will take with me all the life lessons I've learned from her.
UPDATE: Wire Fox Terrier abuser sentanced!
You remember when I posted about the WFT "breeder" from Quebec who was found to have severely abused and neglected dogs on his property. Here is the latest news sent from the petitioner, Daniela Slon:
Thank you so much for signing the petition "No Dogs for LaPorte! Sauvons Les Petits!"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good news! Today, May 6, 2008 - final judgement was given at the courthouse in St. Jerome.
Laporte got $1,000 for each count & 200 hours community service. Plus, three years probation during which he is not allowed to own a dog. After that, he will be monitored so that he will not start breeding again.
Best of All! The red collar dogs are safe. He will not get the dogs back & if he even tries to contact the foster families, he will be arrested.
ALL the media were there. Keep checking Canadian press for updates.
Thank you for your support - Merci Beaucoup! The petition really made a difference. Hopefully it will impact Canadian Law so that we see an end to cruelty and puppy mills.
Daniella Slon and Axel Wire Fox Terrier
Canoe.ca reports:
Judge Jean Sirois rendered one of the stiffest sentences possible under current laws Tuesday to Marc-Andre Lapointe who owned a puppy mill in St-Jerome, north of Montreal.
The judge said the attitude of the kennel owner, who wanted the return of his best-producing dogs, played a part in the harsh sentence.
Sirois says Lapointe showed no remorse about his mistreatment of the 97 filthy dogs, mostly fox terriers, that were seized from his bungalow in 2005. Twenty dogs were immediately euthanized.
Check out this link for the rest of the article.[photo credit]
Friday, May 2, 2008
Soggy Doggy
So it's rainy here today...and looks like it's going to be raining for the whole weekend. So I'm going to try to stay cozy and keep warm. Hope you all have a good weekend!