I'm very excited pups! Well, to be honest...I'm scared as squirrel in a room full on Mannie's! BOL!
This weekend is Pet Palooza at the local Pickering Flea Market and my human is signing me up to compete in a DockDogs event!! WHOA!
She's been on the message boards, getting great advice on jumping smaller dogs (like moi!) and she's hoping I'm up to task on Saturday.
How do I feel??? I'm man enough to say I'm a little nervous! I mean, it's a BIG pool. Full of water. Water. Did I mention I'm not too keen on swimming?
Yeah, that's what my life jacket is for my human tells me.Oy! Well, wish me luck, say a little prayer and I'll be sure to tell you all about it on Saturday.

On the upside–Pet Palooza will have LOTS of shopping for my human to spend money on yours truly! Hope she gets some good deals on new juicy treats!!! Yeeeaaah!
1 comment:
Hey Simba!
Thanks so much for the well wishes on MY newest brothers! I love them so! I hop eall is well! Talk to you soonest!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
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