Monday, July 23, 2007

Mmmm, Merrick + Sardines = Happy Pup

So I'm being switched over to Merrick brand dry food. I've been getting picky lately with my other food, so after much investigation, my human decided to switch me over to Merrick. The cool things about this food is you can switch between flavours with no digestive problems. That is good for me, as I get bored easily.

I'm now sampling the Wilderness Blend, which is a combination of salmon, venison and buffalo. Mmmmm.

On top of that, I'm now being given a big sardine every night with my dinner! I've been having some dry skin issues, and this was recommended to me by a few other pups. I don't know what took my human so long to try it! I LOVE THEM!

1 comment:

Jennifer & Greg said...

Simba... we LOVE Merrick too!!!! We are sampling Grammy's Pot Pie right now... YUMMMMM!!!! The sardines sound so yummy!! We will have to tell Mommy that we want some too!!!!!

Denali, Faith and Starr