sorry for not posting anything lately. HM has taken a wee break from her dog art to focus on other things. I've been hanging out - running at the dog park and being my normal handsome devil self! BOL!
Anyway - here is a portrait of an Australian Cattle Dog she completed back in August. This piece is 30" x 30" and for sale.
Her Etsy store is still up and running! Great keychains - cards - and silhouette portraits always available!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pop Dog Portrait: Luke
Friday, July 24, 2009
Pop Dog Portrait: Murphy Brown
Murphy is a cute little Jack Russell and HM's latest commission. For info on how you can commission your pets portrait - just email HM!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
For Cat Lovers....ALL NEW Cat Keychains!
I'm not exactly thrilled with HM right now..she's decided to expand Pop Dog Press's keychain and portrait line to include CATS!!! Grrrrrrr.....
BUT I do understand she grew up with cats and has many friends that somehow prefer them to dogs! are some new keychains that are available in her Etsy shop.
Monday, July 6, 2009
ALL NEW! Hand-cut Silhouette Portraits
Hey pups!
Check it out - HM has created some fantastic new portraits - all hand-cut silhouettes! She uses fun, bright, funky paper too - not just your boring black like most silhouette portraits. She uses either hand silk screened Chiyogami paper or brightly coloured Murano textured paper.
Full body - or just your pet's bust - these look great framed and make pawesome gifts!!! She can make portraits for any kind of pet too: dogs, cats, horses, birds, etc.
Visit her ETSY shop for more!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
New Pop Dog Paintings!
HM has been busy painting lately, and I thought I'd share some of her recent pieces. If YOU would like to commission a piece..just email her for information!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Please Vote for Me!
A plea from HM: She's entered in a wine label contest at Dog Art Today and YOU can help get her to round 2!
Vote for her submission: #34
Woofstock 2009 Wrap-Up
Hey pups! This past weekend was Woofstock here in Toronto, and it was another great weekend! Weather was pawfect and guess who was rockin' the runway in the annual fashion show each day?!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pop Dog Press is Tweeting!
Hey pups - HM is now tweeting on Twitter! If you are using Twitter - "follow" our daily adventures! Arooooo!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fast n' Furry FUN!
Hey pups - sorry for the lack of's been pretty busy around here - and we're not going to be doing as many posts as before. I'll be sure to give you updates of what I'm doing - and anything to do with HM's Pop Dog Press business.
This past weekend the Fast n' Furry team was at an open house for K-9 Country Inn doing some dog sport demos and some agility racing! We had a blast!! Enjoy the photos!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
We're in City Dog Magazine!
Well - Pop Dog Press pawesome keychains are i listted as a "cool product" in the Spring 2009 issue of City Dog Magazine!
I believe this magazine is published out of the Northwest anyone in the Washington State area should be able to get a hold of this magazine!
Otherwise: you can check out the issue online on their website!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
NEW Pop Dog Press everyday note cards NOW available on Etsy!
Hey pups - check out HM's NEW everyday note cards in her Etsy shop!
She designs and hand-prints all the cards using a Gocco screen printer. It is a very cool process and each card is a bit unique with the ink coverage.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring Dog Park Fun!
Snow has melted - and the dogs are coming back to the park to play! Arroooo!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
WOW!! I can't believe it - I'm THREE years old today!! Arrooooo! I spent the morning at my favourite off leash park - running fast and free - and then I got a nice breakfast and tonight - I get to go play agility!
This is a pic of me doing what I love - giving kisses to HM!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm Baaaaack!!!

I had a pawesome week of spoiling while she was away - but was very happy to see her and get back to my dog friends at the park! So HM - as sick as she feels has been taking me to the park every day to get some running in! Yay!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Amazing Agility!
Well - this is my last post until HM gets back from her vacation on the 14th. So I'm leaving you all with some Amazing video of Chilly Black Bandits - the German agility champ AND fellow Manchester Terrier!!! HM and I aspire to become a great team like this one day!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
No News is Good News!
Just wanted to let you all know - I'm still here - just taking a bit of a blogging break. No news is good news. HM is super busy at work - we're back training with agility and she's taking vacation in early March too! So, I'll be at HG's (Human Gramma) that week for some super spoiling! Arooooo!
I'm doing a demo this Saturday with my Fast n' Furry dog sport demo team - so hopefully we'll get some photos or video to post at the end of the weekend!SPRING IS COMING!! So get outside and enjoys yourselves!!! Here's a pic from last year - how happy was I???!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Manchester Terrier vs. Vizsla
Meet Oliver. He's a Vizsla. We used to play almost every night at the local dog park until he and his human dad moved out of the neighbourhood.
But they still visit from time to time..and today we ran into them at the park!! Here's some video from our cooooold afternoon at the park.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
R.I.P. Spencer
Please take a moment to visit Spencer's blog and leave a comment for his humans. He left us on February 17, and leaves behind two human pawrents and countless friends (both human and dog) who loved him dearly.
Spencer was one of the first blogs I discovered when I started blogging and always enjoyed his California adventures.
We will miss you dearly.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Go for a Ride?
Do you like going for car rides? I do! Mostly because I know it usually leads to either a dog park or agility class!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My TV Debut!
Here are some screen caps:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
We're Going To Be On TV!!
For any local Ontario pups - check out CityTV's Breakfast Television tomorrow morning from 7am-9am! HM and I will be on TV!
They are doing a spot on location at PawsWay and we'll be there! HM is getting interviewed about her pawesome Pop Dog Portraits! and I'll be doing an agility demo with some Fast n' Furry team members!!