So yesterday HM and I went to hang out at her friends house for some BBQ (that I didn't get any of!!).
We took a streetcar and subway to get there! It was my first time on a street car (like a trolley on tracks) and only my second time on the subway.
I was a very good boy and HM had lots of people ask about what kind of dog I was. ("No, he's not a mini-Doberman....")
Here's some video of me on the subway platform waiting for my train at Donlands Station:
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Subway Ride!
Friday, August 29, 2008
New Dogpark!
So now that I'm living in downtown Toronto, HM has been wondering where I'll burn my energy AND get to 'wrassle' with some local dogs.
The answer: Trinity Bellwoods Park. HM has heard this park had a good off leash area, so today she FINALLY took me to it! She was a little nervous, cause another local park, Stanley Park which is sort of an "un-official" dog park...well, we had a bad experience there a few nights ago. There is one section that is a bit open and I got spooked by a Basset Hound and took off through the opening out of the park! I stopped outside the fence..but naturally HM was super scared.
Boy was it!! ( wasn't without incident either...)
It's at the north end of a large park that includes tennis courts, bike paths, a big kiddie park, greenhouse, etc. A really big greenspace in the middle of the downtown area.
The off leash area is called the "Dog Bowl" cause it's literally in a bowl like crevice of the park. So the dogs are less likely to run out/away. "Less likely". Unless you like to play the game of chase...*ahem* like me.
So we had some fun, I met some cool dogs, big dogs, little dogs...all friendly....then 2 young girls come down to the park with a red Min Pin. This little guy was still on leash...something I've heard you shouldn't really do in an off leash, cause he can get defensive as all the off leash dogs are coming for a sniff and he can' properly meet/greet while on leash.
Of course, I headed up the meet/greet party..and the dog started to spin around and around it's owner...tying her up a bit. HM saw his fur go up too...just as she was going to ask the owner to untangle but carefully watch her dog, and perhaps get him away from the situation...she popped off his leash and with all of us sniffing him...he bolted!! Well, to me, he said, "CHASE ME!!" I did..and he went right up the hill and out of the park!! "Oh FUN!".

HM...NOT HAPPY....she and the Min Pin owner gave chase and the little Min Pin took us into the parks parking lot where it's car was. The game ended there. HM caught up to me...a bit mad...and put me back on my leash!! I mean, this dog WANTED me to chase him, non??
She brought me back to the park..just to let the other owners know we weren't hurt or run over by a car. Not sure if I'll be going back. I hope was FUN!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Message from Dr. Greco, DVM...regarding Chai and the Pimple Ball
Just wanted to post this comment for all to see. From veterinarian Dr. Charles Greco, regarding Chai's story.
My name is Dr. Charles Greco. I’m a veterinarian in New York.
I came across your blog about your dog Chai. I wanted to extend my well wishes for a speedy recovery. I own 6 dogs, 2 cats, 4 birds and 3 tortoises, so I know how much a pet can become a part of the family. I was shocked to learn that the toy that hurt poor Chai came from Four Paws Pet Products. I have used many products from Four Paws from Wee Wee Pads to toys and dental products and I have always found them to be of the highest quality.
I personally contacted Four Paws today and talked to some lady in the customer service department that told me that the toy that hurt Chai was the result of a manufacturing defect in one shipment of the pimple ball with bell toy. She explained that the defect, which is very difficult to see with the naked eye, is caused by a blockage in a small hole in the ball that is critical to regulating the suction inside the toy. She also told me that when Four Paws learned of the injury to Chai they immediately stopped shipping the product to distributors and retailers. She also said that Four Paws asked any retailers that had this toy in their possession to remove the toy and send them back to Four Paws.
She told me that Four Paws is individually inspecting everyone of the pimple balls in its inventory in order to identify and discard any that are defective. She also said that Four Paws will also be changing the packaging of its pimple balls to make it easier to inspect them for potential defects. I was surprised when she told me that the Executive V.P., Barry Askin, was so deeply moved by the injury to Chai that he is personally visiting the manufacturer next month to inspect the manufacturer’s operation and to make sure the defect has been corrected and that procedures are in place to make sure the defect has been corrected and that procedures are in place to make sure it will not happen again.
It was reassuring that this company is not sitting by idly but is taking an active role in making sure this terrible accident never happens again. I would just urge any pet owner who may already own one of these toys to check carefully to see if the second small hole in the ball is blocked. If they have any doubt whether the hole is open they should not let their pet play with the ball.
I also went on Four Paws’ webpage, On the webpage they state that they will replace any defective toy. Again, all the best to you and Chai. I hope the two of you can share many years of happiness ahead.
Monday, August 25, 2008
BBC: Pedigree Dogs Exposed
Very interesting show from the BBC on Pedigree dogs and the many health problems that are not often heard or talked about. You can see the whole series on YouTube here.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Pop Dog Portrait: Jing
Hey everypup, check out HM's latest Pop Dog Portrait of Jing! She is a cute rescue from Ohio who is very loved and spoiled by her human mom! This piece is 24" x 24" and is DOUBLE the size of the pup! BOL!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Squirrel Patrol
They're everywhere. Taunting me. Scavenging for food on my lawn. Squirrels. Just give me a little more leash! I'll get them!
This is the only way they can try to defeat me....
[photo credit] + [photo credit]
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Chai Story
Please visit Chai's blog and do what you can to support his cause!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New Walking Route

Monday, August 18, 2008
All Moved In - But So Much Unpacking To Do!
Hey pups, quickie post today! We're all moved of yesterday! I'm still not too sure about this new apartment. I like the area (sooo many dogs to sniff!!!) But this doesn't quite feel like home yet.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sorry for the lack of posts....we're moving!! So the Human pawrents are busy packing and throwing stuff away, and not using any time to blog for me!!
So for the next 2 weeks, things will be a bit quiet..but then I can't wait to tell you all of my new adventures...of DOWNTOWN living!! yep, we're moving to Downtown Toronto! So I'll be a real city dog, and out making new friends!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Jump Forrest!
take a look at my pal Forrest Gumpy, he was on David Letterman on Monday!!! He's one of Canada's TOP Dock Diving lap dogs!! (and a personal friend of mine!) GO GUMPY GO!!
Just to note: He is battling Lymphoma cancer, so he is truly a special dog!
Hey pups, so one of my neighbours has got himself a sweet new camera, and since there are some nice doggies around, had asked some of us to come and pose for him!! So here are some of the shots he took of little ol' me.
Photography by Rick Farquar.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The 2008 Paw-Limpics International Bone Relay!
My buddy Lenny is hosting a PAWESOME "Paw-Limpics" this year, and I was honoured to be part of the International Bone Relay!!
I'm at 3:13 of the video! ;o)